Employee Gratitude Drives Retention in Business and at Work
One of my clients invited me to their staff picnic today – moved inside due to the rain. I spent time with my client and one of their new employees – one of several employees I had helped my client recruit to their growing business. We spoke about how staff turnover can be higher in their particular sector, as managers historically are trained on their technical skills and not at all on their management / leadership skills.
“I was not good with employees after I finished my technical training,” Client continued. “I learned how to work effectively with employees on the job.”
“What can prevent turnover in your sector?” I asked.
“Simple things,” New Employee responded. “Having your manager:
- Say hello
- Say good-bye
- Say thank-you
- Conduct regular staff meetings, and
- Not throw files at you when they’re frustrated.
I’m grateful to work in a place where that all happens.”
New Employee confirmed data in a 2006 Blanchard Companies study featured in Leading with Emotional Intelligence, where the study outlined the top five things leaders admit that they fail to do:
- Failing to provide appropriate feedback (praise, redirection) – 82% of respondents
- Failing to listen or involve others in the process – 81% of respondents
- Failing to use a leadership style appropriate to the person, task, and situation (over-supervising or under-supervising) – 76% if respondents
- Failing to set clear goals and objectives – 76% of respondents
- Failing to train and develop their people – 59% of respondents.
How will you (or do you) engender employee gratitude to drive retention in your organization in business and at work?
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