Keep Candidates Updated in Business and at Work
As a result of my experiences on both sides of the interview table as both a hiring authority and a candidate, I do my level best to keep candidates updated on their interview process, including but not limited to:
- Sending an auto-acknowledgment that the candidate’s application has been received (and invariably, I will get an occasional sweet thank-you response for the acknowledgment, as unfortunately many applications go unacknowledged);
- Letting a candidate know that an interview process has been delayed (or accelerated), so the candidate can plan their schedule accordingly;
- And even the tougher yet considerate message that another candidate has been identified as the lead candidate: I always let the other candidates know that if something changes, we will reach out. “Thanks for letting me know,” one of the other candidates recently replied. And it was tinged with gratitude for the respectful reach-out.
How do you consistently update your candidates to foster mutual respect, reputation- and relationship-building, in business and at work?
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