Two Entrepreneurs Stood Up for Each Other’s Success
I’m reprising this post from a year ago, as my admiration and friendship for Drue has only grown: I consider her to be my entrepreneur big sister from another mother. Thanks once again to Drue’s Holiday Open House generosity, I’m the proud owner of another one of her beautiful and affordable pieces. Happy Festival of Lights, Drue!
I have been a member of Professional Women’s Network (PWN), an intimate and powerful Mastermind / Board of Directors group for nearly 17 years; and I have been proud to serve as President for the last two years.
Two of our members, Jill, an M.D. and Georgia, a Integrated Care Nurse Practitioner / Nutritionist who both count many of us as their patients, proposed Drue, the owner / designer of an Albany, New York-based jewelery store, as one of our newest members last year. Since I love both entrepreneurs and jewelry, Drue had me at hello.
Drue has been an engaged and generous member of our group since she first joined: a wealth of experience, a healthy network and great business advice. A few months ago, she had us over for dinner at the store after hours, gave us the grand tour including her impressive design studio, and cleaned all of our jewelry. Definitely a fun / fine addition to our group.
This past week, Drue invited us all to her Holiday Open House: here’s how the invitation read:
Holiday Open House
(That’s Drue’s Great Dane Slater, by the way.)
The food at the party was provided by Jill’s husband Tony, a wonderful restauranteur and caterer. Many of my friends and colleagues were there, socializing and shopping. I gratefully received my gift bag and saw a small bottle of wine peeping out. How sweet, I thought. It was even sweeter when I opened the bag the next day: Drue had also included 4 gift certificates, including one to her store and one to Tony’s restaurant. And a piece of Krause’s dark chocolate to boot, which made my son Noah very happy. I had never experienced that kind of generosity from a retail store before (much less a small business like Drue’s store); it was overwhelming.
Yesterday, I tucked Drue’s gift certificate and some cash in my pocket, and headed over to her store. I had my eye on a pair of silver
And grateful to be part of a team of professionals / entrepreneurs who stand up for each other’s success.