An Unexpected Gift at Work
I must admit, I love tendering job offers. Match-making a talented candidate to a position where they will add value and contribute to the success of their new organization? It’s a win-win, all upside. And I get to not only broker the transaction, but also deliver the glad tidings to both candidates and hiring authorities of “yes, they want you for the job” and “yes, they want to come work for you.” It’s like basking in the glow when you witness (or contribute to) the birth of a child. My friend Pete is right: I am a Career Yente.
During the last few years as The Great Recession malingered, the glad tidings were few and far between: everyone, candidates and hiring authorities alike, were either unable, afraid or both to commit to making many job matches at all. Additionally, hiring authorities learned the sad and difficult task of laying talented people off instead of hiring and retaining them for growth. So last December 31st, as the year ended and the cold weather deepened, I tendered a job offer that gladdened both me and the candidate. It was not only the job match made: it also represented the collective envisioned faith that 2011 would signal a shift, a veritable thaw in the economic and vocational winter that had spanned years, not just seasons.
This week, as we celebrated the return of the light during the Winter Solstice, there are small signs of that much-needed shift towards a thaw. The consumers are shopping again, with or without your approval / agreement: the net result is that it helps the economy. The unemployment rate locally keeps dropping. Anecdotally speaking, a number of my colleagues are hiring, and finding some jobs hard to fill. Other colleagues are getting new jobs / promotions; or fanning the momentum of their new businesses / practices as entrepreneurs; or both. For the first time in 3 years, my husband Joel’s business was busy during the holiday season. Spending money on custom picture-framing is a singing canary in the economic coal mine. There are definitely signs of movement underneath the economic permafrost.
And one year later, an unexpected gift at work from that candidate who received and accepted that job offer on the eve of 2011. It was meant as a note to accompany a small yet thoughtful holiday gift; however, the note, excerpted here, was the real gift:
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to join this great team! Of all of the organizations I’ve worked for, and all of the positions I’ve had, (this) is really the most rewarding and best fit I’ve experienced. Thanks for all that you do!
I wish for you, dear friends and colleagues, the same abundant gifts now and into the future, at your work.

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