A Flip Chart (or Whiteboard) is a Great Facilitation Tool in Business and at Work
As I’m finalizing a workshop on Strategic Planning and Facilitation Tools, it occurs to me that aside from Working Agreements, a flip chart (or whiteboard) is an invaluable tool to keep any given group or team’s work productive and flowing.
Flip charts and whiteboards are also great mediation tools (mediation is also a great facilitation tool). To capture the needs of two parties in conflict on a flip chart accomplishes several productive outcomes:
- It captures the needs of each party in their own words for them to see and confirm;
- It helps the facilitator / mediator take a potentially emotional discussion and transform it into data to be considered towards a solution; and
- It ensures that the facilitator / mediator clearly understands and documents the needs of each party, as well as the agenda and its anticipated outcomes.
How do you use a flip chart (or a whiteboard) as a facilitation / mediation tool for success in business and at work?
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