Share the Success of Your Discretionary Power on LinkedIn

The 8th and 9th-graders conducted their Coming-of-Age Service today. They did a wonderful job sharing their musical, artistic, and writing talents with the rest of us in the congregation, including their credos – the culmination of a year of study and self-reflection. One of the Coming-of-Age youth, in sharing her credo with us, shared also her belief that if we all did our small parts in small ways to help others, then together we could actually make things better overall.
At the end of the service, their adult mentors (one of whom was my husband Joel) stood behind the Coming-of-Age youth and shared with the congregation one to three words about what was special about their respective mentees. The positive use of the discretionary power of our adult community’s network in support of our young mentees was evident (and heart-warming) indeed.
I met a seasoned professional at a large networking function last week who’s been out of work several months due to the elimination of their department at their last company. We chatted for a while and I offered my Recession Rodeo experience, strength and hope as well as a few tips and advice on how to reach out to potential decision-makers in their field.
I also encouraged Seasoned Professional to connect with me on LinkedIn, which would expand their LinkedIn network view further for potential local companies to pursue. After I accepted Seasoned Professional’s invitation, I reviewed their profile. They had no fewer than 13 recommendations from their last company, from direct supervisors, managers and customers alike.
So I used a bit of my own discretionary power, and forwarded Seasoned Professional’s LinkedIn profile to one of my contacts on LinkedIn, with this note:
[Dear Contact]! I hope this finds you and yours well.
I met [Seasoned Professional] at a networking event this week; I can’t personally vouch for them as a reference, however they seem like a good egg in case you’re looking for a [seasoned professional] – they have 13 references on their LinkedIn profile including from their immediate managers; their department was eliminated earlier this year.
Would love to catch up with for lunch; please let me know what your schedule looks like.
Have a great weekend,
Debra J. M. Best, SPHR
How will you leverage your discretionary LinkedIn power and support the mutual success of you and your network this week; and every week? Let us know how it turned it out for all of you, and I will, too.
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