Pop Quiz: How Many of These LinkedIn Success Tips are Part of Your Profile?
- Profile Spell-Checked and Formatted Professionally, Just Like Your Website? (e.g., you’re not one of the one million current LinkedIn users that have misspelled manager as “manger“)
- LinkedIn Headline Crisply Announcing Your Product Offerings / Areas of Subject-Matter Expertise (SME)?
- Résumé Summarized, Not Posted in Its Entirety?
- Included Your Certifications and Publications?
- Links to Your Blog / Website / Twitter / Facebook Page Included?
- All of Your SME Skills Listed to Keep You in Searches?
- Professional Headshot Photo, Eye-Contact, Smiling?
- Recruiters: When Looking at Profiles, Are You Anonymous?
- Public LinkedIn URL to Optimize Appearance in Search Engines?
- Authentic Recommendations Given Then Received from Managers, Partners, Clients?
- Joined the Maximum 50 Groups Strategically?
- Joined All of the Subgroups You Can?
- Strategically Added the LinkedIn Applications (e.g. Portfolio, etc.) That Make the Most Sense for Your Career / Business?
- Posting Relevant / Useful Updates to Your Profile and to Your Groups Several Times a Week? (e.g., Your Blog Posts, Articles of Interest to Your Audience, etc.)
- Purchased a Business LinkedIn Account to Increase Your Reach to Source More Business? (e.g., Is a $50k Sale Worth the Much Smaller Monthly Cost of Your LinkedIn Account? In the spirit of full disclosure, I don’t work for LinkedIn or own LinkedIn stock!)
- Managing Your LinkedIn Invitations Strategically, Joining LinkedIn Open Networker (LION) Groups, Following LinkedIn Etiquette and Avoiding IDK (I Don’t Know You) / Spam Complaints from Other LinkedIn Users?
How many of these LinkedIn Success Tips are you utilizing, in business and at work?