A Few COVID-19 Boundaries to Protect Essential Business Employees

Last Sunday, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued a new Executive Order for employees of NYS essential businesses directly aimed at reducing COVID-19 infections across NYS:

I’m signing an Executive Order directing employers to provide essential workers cloth or surgical facemasks for these employees to wear when directly interacting with the public.
This most recent Executive Order dovetails with the CDC’s good advice last week that everyone should wear a facemask when out among other people, even with 6 feet or more of physical distancing.
In response, my husband created this facemask for me:
One of the wires that usually provides service into our house is currently experiencing a network outage – it always happens when it’s too windy. They’re sending a repair person out to to work outside our house early this week. I was asked on the phone if anyone in the house had COVID-19 (the customer service rep apologized for asking the question; I assured him that he has to ask if we’re ill with COVID-19 or not to protect the safety of their employees).
They asked me the question again via a follow-up text message:
Essential or nonessential businesses alike: what steps are you taking to ensure the safety of your employees when interacting with the public at work?