Every Organization Needs (In-Person) Harassment Prevention Training in Business and at Work
I conducted another Harassment Prevention and Awareness training for a client and their employees last week, in the spirit of the EEOC’s guidance on ensuring its efficacy – e.g.:
- I have over 25 years of first-hand experience in investigating and remediating workplace harassment;
- I give real-life (and anonymous) examples of harassment during the training which keeps trainees engaged; and
- I can answer trainees’ questions substantively. (I also ensured that all of the trainees were listening to the training, even the two individuals at the back of the room who seemed to prefer to chat rather than listen to the training.)
A few of the trainees thanked me after the training, especially an experienced supervisor who had never attended a Harassment Prevention Training before. They found it interesting and helpful, and I thanked them. I asked them why they had never attended this type of training before: they didn’t know, and they assumed it was because their organization was too small. My response was that given what was happening in the greater economy and society, no organization was too small to provide Harassment Prevention and Awareness training (and if harassment occurs, consequently taking action) to prevent and stop harassment in their workplace.
How do you ensure both employee safety and employer compliance in your workplace by conducting annual Harassment and Prevention Training (regardless of your organization’s size), in business and at work?
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